Ingredienti per
dodici muffin
150 gr farina 00
50 gr farina di
2 uova
100 ml latte
100 ml olio evo
80 gr grana
300 gr di
1 spicchio di
2 cucchiai di
1 bustina di
lievito per torte salate
tritato qb
sale pepe qb
Pulire le
zucchine e tagliarle a rondelle.
Cuocerle in
padella con un filo d’olio, aglio e prezzemolo.
In una ciotola
mescolare le uova con il latte, l’olio, il pesto, sale e pepe .
Aggiungere il
grana e la farina, mescolare fino al completo assorbimento.
Aggiungete il
lievito al composto.
Nella teglia dei
muffins inserite le formine di carta e versate il composto lasciando 1/2 cm dal
bordo e aggiungete le zucchine.
Infornate a forno
caldo a 190° per 30 minuti o fino a doratura della superficie. Fate sempre la
prova dello stuzzicadenti.
Ingredients for twelve muffins:
150 gr flour 00
50 g corn flour
2 eggs
100 ml milk
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
80g grated parmesan
300 grams of zucchini
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons pesto
1 teaspoon of baking pies
Chopped parsley
salt pepper to taste
Clean the zucchini and cut into rounds.
Cook in a pan with a little olive oil, garlic and parsley.
In a bowl mix the eggs with the milk, oil, pesto, salt and pepper.
Add the grain and flour, stir until completely absorbed.
Add yeast to the mixture.
In baking muffins enter the molds of paper and pour the mixture leaving 1/2 inches from the edge and add the zucchini.
Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown on the surface. Always do the toothpick test.
Allow to cool before removing from the molds of paper.
150 gr flour 00
50 g corn flour
2 eggs
100 ml milk
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
80g grated parmesan
300 grams of zucchini
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons pesto
1 teaspoon of baking pies
Chopped parsley
salt pepper to taste
Clean the zucchini and cut into rounds.
Cook in a pan with a little olive oil, garlic and parsley.
In a bowl mix the eggs with the milk, oil, pesto, salt and pepper.
Add the grain and flour, stir until completely absorbed.
Add yeast to the mixture.
In baking muffins enter the molds of paper and pour the mixture leaving 1/2 inches from the edge and add the zucchini.
Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown on the surface. Always do the toothpick test.
Allow to cool before removing from the molds of paper.
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